Over 40 Worcestershire Primary Schools Use School Tabletop Whiteboard Easels
Over 40 Worcestershire Primary Schools are now using our School Tabletop Whiteboards .
Defford First School have sent us these photos of the children using the new School Tabletop Magnetic Whiteboard Easels.
You can see they fold out flat to make a long flat whiteboard that several children can use at the same time.
They also can be used a a double sided A3 lapboard.
✅ Dual purpose 2 in 1 - A3 School Tabletop Whiteboard & A3 lapboard whiteboard
🧲 Magnetic Folding School Table Top Whiteboard Easels - Tabletop Whiteboards Class Packs
Fun and creative learning surface for children, ideal for Key Stage 1 & 2, 3 to 10 years. Good for dyslexic children and SEND.
✅ A3 double sided 32cm x 37cm whiteboard
✅ Includes 8 magnetic whiteboard pens & magnetic eraser
✅ Portable tabletop magnetic whiteboard - sturdy base
✅ Folds flat for easy storage
✅ Dual purpose - Can also be used as lapboard whiteboard
✅ Premium writing surface. No smudges & ghosting on whiteboard
✅ Very durable, will last 10 + years
Write on and wipe off this white magnetic board on both sides! Perfect for use with magnetic letter, numbers or shapes. Write of with any dry erase whiteboard markers.
See more details - from £19.99. Class packs of 20 schools tabletop whiteboards also available